In French educational institutions abroad, families must pay tuition fees for their children. Considering the cost of schooling, the public authorities have set up an aid scheme in the form of scholarships (articles D531-45 to D531-51 of the Education Code). The 2024-2025 school scholarship campaign for French children residing abroad with their families is open. Applications for scholarships, accompanied by supporting documents, must be submitted to the French Embassy in Armenia before Thursday, February 22,2024, 5:00 p.m., closing date.Terms of access :
The child must : Be of French nationality
Reside with his or her family (father and/or mother, legal guardian)
Be registered in the world register of French nationals living abroad
Be at least three years old during the calendar year in which the school year begins
Guidelines for action :
The file must be submitted within the time limits set by the diplomatic or consular post. The scholarship application is valid only for the current academic year. It must therefore be renewed every year. In addition, it is independent of the child’s enrollment procedure in the school itself.
Scholarships are awarded according to the family’s financial resources.
Contact :
French Embassy in Armenia 8, Grigor Loussavoritch street, Yerevan Telephone number : 060 19 65 50 50 E-mail :
Conditions for submitting the application:
To prepare their documents, families are invited to download the application form and the list of documents to provide from the Embassy website, or below.
Consult and download the necessary documents below