The French School Anatole France offers a wide range of extracurricular activities to its students. These activities extend school education and promote children’s access to cultural, artistic and sporting activities.
Ani Kivrikyan
Extracurricular activities organizer
For all questions concerning extracurricular activities, please contact :
Ani Kivrikyan
Dear parent,
We inform you that registrations for extracurricular courses are open exclusively until the 28th of the current month for the following month / for example, until October 28 for the month of November, until February 28 for the month of March/.
We thank you for registering each child individually on a separate questionnaire/do not group several children in the same questionnaire.
Link for inscriptions:

Extracurricular sports activities for classes of 4th -12th grades (CM1-Tle /SA/) will start from February 4 .
If you have already made registrations at the same time, this registration will be canceled automatically.
Thank you for registering each child with separate links, do not combine your children’s registration in the same questionnaire.
We will gladly wait for your registrations at the following link :